IAP Orissa State Branch

The IAP-OSB has been holding conferences every year from 1980, usually during second Saturday and Sunday of December. However, the initial conferences were held at different dates due to non availability of suitable place or organizers. It was customary before to have an one day meet which continued till 1991. In 1989 at the 9th state conference it was moved to make the conference for 2 days and preferably in December second Saturday and Sunday. It was enacted again at Berhampur in 1992 and with minor variation it is continuing till date. The conferences are organized at different parts of Orissa to give scope to maximum number of delegates from in and around the area to participate. The two days provide ample opportunity to the delegates to know and interact with each other

The various district Branches and Pediatricians of the major cities can apply for the conference well in ahead preferably to the midterm executive board of the previous year. The executive body could finalize the venue and inform the respective place to produce the details of conference venue and details of organizing committee at the General body. G.B. will decide the delegate fees and other details with the Organizing secretary of the conference who will be accepted as the Joint Secretary. The members will be informed of the conference in the G.B.

The city or town where the conference is supposed to be held should be well connected with
other places of Orissa by Road or Railway. The town should have an accommodation facility of 1 00 to 150 delegates. The venue of the conference should have a main hall with 300 sitting capacity. There should be a second hall of 100 sitting capacity. The organizers should try to provide a , cozy, pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the venue. The audiovisual arrangements should be of excellent quality.
Should be duly elected by the host branch! city/town and communicated to the E.B. / G.B. in advance.

       Total ban on sponsorship from infant food and milk substitute producing companies should be strictly implemented. No banner or poster should be exhibited in the scientific halls to maintain the sanctity of conference as areas of learning. During a sponsored programme the slides of the sponsored should only be projected before and after the deliberation. Stalls can be provided to the sponsor in the scientific exhibition area.
Gambling and fun games in the stalls should be avoided. Mike announcements and other sounds should not spill over in to the conference hall.
     Inaugural ceremony is the most prestigious function of IAP-OSB. It is the privilege of the secretariat of Orissa State Branch to conduct the function with the help of the local organizing committee.
     The venue of inauguration ceremony should have 400 plus sitting capacity.
    The to and fro transport of delegates to the inauguration place and back to hotels is the responsibility of the local organizing committee.
    Food and beverages should not be served before completion of the inaugural function. There shall not be more than 2 guests at the function. One will be the chief guest and the other the Guest of honour.

The sitting positions on the stage sba1l be as follows:
President Elect                                Chief Guest
General Secretary                            Guest of Honour'
Org. Secretary                                Org. Chairperson
The Inaugural ceremony time table will be as follows. General Secretary announces the start of ceremony and requests the compere to take over.
The compere welcomes the dignitaries on the stage and requests volunteers to offer floral bouquets (3 mts.)
Invocation - (3 mts.)
Welcome address by Chairperson organizing committee (3 mts.)
General Secretary's report including presentation of lAP Awards (30 minutes).
Installation of incoming president and change of medallion (3 minutes).
Remark by President elect (3 minutes)
Presidential Address ( 15 minutes)
Release of souvenir by Guest of Honour (3 mts.)
Address by Guest of Honour (3 mts.)
Introduction of Chief Guest and his address (15 mts.)
Moments to dignitaries in the stage (2 mts.)
Vote of Thanks by the Organizing Secretary (5 mts.)
The inaugural Ceremony should not exceed more than 90 minutes.
Care should be taken to accommodate E.B. members, past presidents, senior citizen members of lAP, Media people and award winners in the 1st two or 3 rows.
The committee will help in finalizing the venue, Chief Guest and Guest of Honor in consultation with the President and Secretary. It will arrange for food, beverages, moments to dignitaries, boquets s, compering and security. The compere should preferably a pediatrician who is well aware of lAP and its procedures.
*There will be no separate registration or fee for the CME
*50% topics should cater to the practicing pediatricians.
*Faculty speakers and chairpersons are the option of local organizing committee.
*The CME inauguration should be brief and not exceeding 30 minutes.
*The CME should end at least 2 hours before the inaugural ceremony.
*Topics to be covered and name of resource persons should be informed to central office well in advance to avoid repetition in the main conference. .
*10 minutes' should be kept for question answer for each topic.

*There should be a theme for the conference.
Non lAP faculty speakers and lAP faculty speakers from outside Orissa are entitled for travel and accommodation from local organizing committee.
* All lAP faculty speakers from the State have to register for the conference.
* The main conference scientific sessions will be decided by a scientific committee comprising of President, President Elect. Immediate Past President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Organizing Secretary and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.
* The subspecialty chapters, if any, should be given 60 minutes for their scientific session. Chapters can continue in different halls concurrently.
*There should be a main Hall, one subsidiary hall with good audiovisual arrangements
*There should be a clock room at the venue and good toilets of reasonable number should be available near the venue.
*There should be facilities for local phones, STD, and Xerox on payment.
*The organizing committee office must be in a prominent place in the venue. It will help the delegates and invitee guests. The message for the delegates will be received here. Any emergency will be tackled by this office.
*The exhibition area should not be very close to the Conference Halls.
*One prominent stall in the area should be reserved for the IAP-OSB office in the main scientific area.
*Registration room will be in a prominent place.
*Registration should start two hours before the conference in day I and will continue to the last day.
*Participation certificate, food coupons, Invitation, delegate badge and delegate kit will be handed over at the time of registration.
*Delegate badge should have sufficient place to write the name of the delegate.
*Certificates, medals, prizes, Branch award, mementos to outgoing lAP Office bearers, Presidents medallion will be arranged by OSB. Central Secretariat.
*Mementos for dignitaries in the dais at inaugural ceremony, faculty speakers, chairpersons and dignitaries in valedictory function should be arranged by local organizing committee.
*The certificates for speakers, chairpersons and presentation shall I be printed by the Organizing Committee.
*The certificate of participation will be signed by the President, General Secretary, Chairperson of Organizing Committee, Organizing Secretary and the Chairperson of the Reception Committee.
*Certificates for presentation, speakers and Chairpersons will be signed by President, General Secretary, Chairperson of Organizing Committee, Organizing Secretary and Chairperson of Scientific Committee.
Should be arranged near the venue. Vegetarian and non vegetarian counters should be separate. Clean water should be made available. The food should be hygienic and palatable. Local food preparations should be given priority.
* Executive Board meeting - A Small hall with sitting capacity of 15 to 20 is good enough. The sitting arrangement should be round a table. If available microphone arrangement is desirable
*President and General Secretary will be guests of the organizing Committee:
*Sufficient space for working of the State Secretariat should be provided. The Secretariat staff, should be given free accommodation at a suitable place. His diet from the venue is optional for the organizers.
*The Executive Committee members should be given free accommodation only after inauguration till end of the Conference. This will be applicable to the elected members of that year.
* It is a function by the State Branch to thank the Organizing Committee.
*The sitting arrangements in stage will be as follows:
Chief Guest                                   Vice-President
Chairman (Org.Comm.)                     President elect
Organizing Secretary                       General Secretary
Chairman Reception Comm.               Treasurer
Function will follow the order
* General Secretary will give opening remarks
* The dignitaries are invited for floral greetings in order of sitting arrangement.
* President will thank and give mementos to the important persons of the local Organizing
* Response from Organizing Chairman
* Response from Organizing Secretary
* Response from delegates (Not more than 2)
* Address of the Chief Guest
* Vote of thanks by General Secretary.
*A detailed audited report should be presented to the E.B. within 6 months. (Submitted in the 1st E.B. meeting after the conference)
*Conference hosting Fees:
Rs.100/- per delegate or Rs.10,001/- which is higher.
*The surplus money will be divided in two parts.
25% will go to IAP-OSB
75% will remain with the hosting Body

(a) District Branch I City Branch I City I Town inviting
Conference------------------------------------------- .
(b) Does the city have medical college? Yes I No
(c)If yes........... .................................Govt./Private
(d) Details of possible venue
Venue ............................
Distance from Railway Station ..........................
Distance from Bus stop ....
Main Hall sitting capacity ..................
Subsidiary Hall sitting capacity
(e) Inauguration Ceremony site and Sitting capacity Distance from the venue...........................
(f) Accommodation capacity in the host city I town (No. of beds)
Hotel ... .....
Hostel .
Guest House...........
(g)Transport facility to the other parts of the State.
No. of Trains/day....
No. of Buses/day...
(h) Last state conference held by the host city I town, year.....
Report submitted: Yes/No.
(i) Please attach a resolution from the host town! district Branch inviting conference.
U) We have read the guidelines and will abide by all the rules and regulations.

Signature                          Signature                                    Signature
President                          Secretary                                    Treasurer
Name & Address                 Name & Address                            Name & Address

Chronology of Annual Conference
lAP Orissa State Branch 

Birth date: 10th May, 1980

Birth Place: Circuit House, Cuttack. 

Conference Venue




MKCG MC, Berharnpur

13th Dec 1980

Dr. S.K. Behera

Dr. P.K.Kar

Gandhi Smrutibhawan, Ba1eswar

12th Dec 1981

Dr. B.K. Giri

Dr. A.Acharya

HAL Hospital, Sunabeda

12th Jun 1983

Dr. 0. P Ratha

Dr.P C Mishra

VSS MC, Burla

12th Feb 1984 .

Dr. R K Satapathy


Dist.HQ Hospital, Dhenkanla

9th June 1985

Dr.R K Mahanty

Dr. R.Mishra


14/15 Dec.1985



Club House,ESI Choudwar

15th Feb. 1987


Dr.Sarada Mohanty

S VP,S isubhawan, Cuttack

12th June,1988



MKCG,MC, Berharnpur

11 th March, 1989

Dr. P.S.Devi

Dr. R.K.Satapathy

Hotel Kalinga Ashok,BBSR

18th March,1990

Dr. R.K.Mohanty


Jayadev Sadan, Paradeep

10th March 1991

Dr. Mrs.Ranjeeta Patnaik


MKCG MC, Berhampur

8th/9th Feb 1992

Dr. R.K.Satapathy

Dr. A.P.Patra

SVP, Sisubhawan, Cuttaek

1 Oth/11 th Apr 1993



Naleo Nagar, Anugul

25th/26th Dee 1993

Dr.M L Agarwal


Nari Seva Sadan, Sambalpur

1 Oth/11 th Dee 1994

Dr. I R Agrawalla

Dr. T.N. Panda

Rabindra Mandap, BBSR

27th/28th Jan 1996

Dr. Arabinda Mohanty

Dr.Banalata Samanta

Civic Centre, Rourkela

14th/15th Dec 1996

Dr.Sajan Ku.Agrawal

Dr. B.K.Bhuyan

Sahid Bhawan, Cuttack

13th/15th Feb 1998

Dr. S C Praharaj

Dr..A.C Parija

MKCG MC, Berhampur

12th/13th Dec 1998

Dr. Ajit Ku. Kar

Dr..P S Devi

SCB MC, Cuttack

11 th March, 2000

Dr. A.K.Mahanty

Dr. A.C Parija

Town Hall, Bolangir

16th/17th Dec.2000




5th/6th Dec 2001

Dr. D.SJagatdeo

Dr. B.K.Giri


12th/13th Dec. 2002

Dr.Gopabandhu Nanda

Dr.Gadadjar Sarangi


18th/19th Dee 2003

Dr.Gadadhar Sarangi

Dr. S.Mohanty


15th/16th Dee 2004

Dr. D J J Swami

Dr.G C Sarnal

Jagruti Vihar MCL, Burla

10th/II th Dee 2005

Dr. Prakash Ch.Panda

Dr.1 R Agrawalla



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