home-> IAP Orissa State Branch -> Constitution

I The name of the lAP Branch is the "INDIAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS, Orissa State Branch (name of the state/district/city) hereinafter referred to as lAP Branch.

The registered office of the lAP Branch shall be Bhubaneswar(in the State/ District/City of Republic of India).

II. The lAP Branch shall be Affiliated to INDIAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
(hereinafter referred to as lAP or Central lAP).

III.The objects for which the lAP Branch is established are
1. To serve as advocates for children and adolescents and help their families with reference to attainment of optimal, physical, mental, psychological and social
health of children and adolescents.
To encourage and advance the knowledge study and practice of the science of
pediatrics in all possible ways.
To promote scientific collaboration of its members and make rules regarding
standards for their professional conduct.
To organize, establish, conduct, superintend or control institutions for promoting
directly or indirectly, practice, study and research in Pediatrics in any of its
To establish and maintain libraries, reading rooms, laboratories and research
centers for the promotion of its objects.
To provide facilities to students, scholars and institutions for the study of or
research in Pediatrics in any of its aspects by way of scholarships, fellowships,
grants, endowments, etc.
To foynd, maintain or award, either itself or in co-operation with other bodies or
persons fellowships, prizes, certificates, diplomas of proficiency in the science of
Pediatrics and conduct such tests, examinations or other scrutiny as may be
prescribed from time to time.
To print and publish and official Journal of the society, books, periodicals or
publications on Pediatrics and allied subject's which the society thinks desirable
for the promotion of its objects.
To train up personnel for carrying out the objects of the society and to incur
necessary expenses for the purpose.
To consider and express its views on all questions affecting child health in India
and to study, suggest, criticize or otherwise, advise or take part in the framing of
laws affecting the science and practice of Pediatrics.
To co-operate, affiliate with other bodies and also to engage in such other forms
of activities as may be decided.upon by the IAP Branch from time to time for the
purpose of carrying out all or any of the objects of the society.
To appoint officers and other staff as may be found necessary or convenient for
the conduct and management of the affairs of the IAP Branch and pay them such
remuneration as may be prescribed from time to time.
14. To do all such other things as may be necessary, incidental, conducive or
convenient to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
v. The first office bearers and the first members of the Executive Committee of the IAP
Branch shall be:
We, the undersigned being associated for the purpose of carrying out the objects in
Clause N hereinbefore mentioned, are desirous of forming ourselves into a society called
the "Indian Academy of Pediatrics Branch" under the Societies Registration
Act XXI of 1860 and modified by the Act of September 1961.
Name Address Description
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion


1. The Branch of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (hereinafter referred to as the lAP
Branch) has been established for the objects specified in the Memorandum of
2. The business of the lAP Branch shall be conducted through registered office.
3. The fiscal year of the lAP Branch shall be from April 1 to March 3151next
4. At all places hereinafter "he / him / himself' shall be taken to mean "she / her / herself'
as well.
5. The affairs of the lAP Branch shall be managed by a team of office bearers numbering
four and a duly constituted Executive Committee with eight members representing the
lAP Branch.
a) The membership of the lAP Branch shall be open only to the member of Central
b) The membership of the lAP Branch shall be of four categories namely: (a)
Ordinary, (b) Life, (c) Associate, (d) Associate Life.
c) Only those who are Ordinary/ life/ Associate/ Associate Life members of the lAP
are eligible for Ordinary/ life/ Associate/ Associate Life members in their
respective category in the lAP Branch
d) If any of the residential Indian citizen members moves out of India, all the
correspondence, including Journals and ballot papers to eligible voters, shall be
sent only to the latest local Indian address as on records with Central lAP / lAP
Branch unless they pay extra charges as applicable for the postage at any other
8. The subscription for membership of the lAP Branch shall be as follows:
a) An Entrance Fee will be charged, as decided in the General body meeting from
time to time, subject to, not exceeding the fees prescribed by the lAP for all
categories of new members on their application for membership including those
Ordinary / Associate members who re-apply after a break in membership.
However, this will not apply to non-Indian members and to those whose
membership is converted from one cate{!orvto another in c.ontinnitv
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
b) If husband and wife both are members of the lAP Branch, such members will be
eligible to become Couple Life / Associate life members of the lAP Branch by
paying 80% of the prevalent life membership fee each. Such members will
receive only one communication including Journals from Society for both, in
common on either name including all statutory notices except the voting right,
which will be enjoyed by either of them separately as per the eligibility.
c) An Ordinary / Associate member may apply to the lAP Branch for exemption in
paYment of annual subscription after attaining the age of 70 years and such a
member shall be exempted.
d) An Ordinary / Associate member of the lAP Branch after attaining the age of 65
years wishes to enroll himself as Life or Associate Life member may do so on
paYmentof 1/3rd of prevailing Life / Associate Life membership fee in lump sum
in addition to the prevalent entrance fee.
Any Indian person who is otherwise eligible to be an Ordinary / Associate member by
making a advance contribution of 10 years of prevalent annual members fees in one lump
sum and arrears if any, on being elected by the Executive committee in the manner
hereinafter prescribed, may become life / Associate Life member.
An Ordinary or Life member may propose any person who fulfils the above mentioned
conditions for election as member of the lAP Branch in the category as applicable and
such proposal shall be seconded by another Ordinary or Life member.
b) The proposal shall be in the prescribed application form for membership of the lAP
Branch and shall be duly filled-in and signed by the person proposed and shall be
accompanied by the fees as applicable which shall be returned in due time if the
Executive Committee does not accept the proposal.
c) The proposals for election of the members shall be considered by appropriate committee
designated by the Executive committee of the lAP Branch from time to time and such
committee svall recommend the names to the Executive Committee for approval.
The Secretary shall keep a register and / or computerized record in which the names and
last known addresses of members shall be entered with the dates of their election and
cessation of membership, if any. Any entry in the register and / or computerized record
of members shall be deemed final as regards to admission or cessation of membership
and their respective addresses.
A member may resign his membership by giving notice in writing and the resignation
shall take effect from the date on which the notice is received in the office of the
Secretary, provided that in case of resignation by Office Bearer / Executive committee
h..r /'\np t'<:Ilpnrh!r m()nth'~ notice of the resilmation will be necessary and that the
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
concerned Office Bearer / Executive committee member shall continue to serve till a
successor is elected / selected or appointed, as the case may be, and that the resignation,
however, shall not absolve any such member from paying the subscription for the year in
which the resignation takes effect and arrears, if any.
The membership shall start from 1stJanuary each year but the annual subscription shall
be due on the first October of previous year. Those who are admitted during the year
shall pay the subscription for the calendar year of their enrollment. Though a new
member is admitted anytime in the calendar year he shall be considered as a member for
that full calendar year and the Journals and other communications shall start only after
the enrollment of the member and back issues of the Journals will not be provided to
A member shall be entitled to the following privileges: -
a) To attend meetings and conferences arranged or organized by the lAP Branch by
paying the prescribed fees.
b) To use reading room and libraries maintained by the lAP Branch and to consult
and use the books and periodicals in the library at such time and on such
conditions as may be prescribed by the regulations made by the Executive
Committee oflAP Branch.
c) The rights and other privileges of a Life member will be the same as those of an
Ordinary member.
d) To enjoy such other privileges or benefits as may be determined by the Executive
Committee of the lAP Branch.
e) Any member going out of India shall be entitled to receive all the communication
of the lAP Branch including the Journals only at the latest local Indian address as
on records of the Central Office/ Registered office of lAP Branch.
An Associate / Associate Life member shall not be eligible to be elected to the office
bearer / Executive Committee nor shall he have the right to take part in elections or vote
at any meetings or election of the lAP Branch.
A member whose subscription has been in arrears till 30thJune of the year shall not be
entitled to vote. at any meeting of the lAP Branch or the Executive committee or on a
ballot or take part in or vote in election of the lAP Branch nor will he receive any
publications ofthe lAP Branch unless subscribed for it.
LlI all IV' LJI~"U~~'V"
b) The name of a member whose subscription remains unpaid for 1 year may at the
discretion of the Executive Committee and after giving the member 15 days' notice be
removed from the register of members.
A member guilty of infamous conduct (as defined under ethical code by LM.C.) or of acts
prejudicial to the interests of the lAP Branch / Central lAP may on the proposal of the
Executive Board of Central lAP and after giving the member 30 days' notice to make any
written representation that he may desire to make, be expelled from the Central lAP, by a
resolution, carned by a three fourths majority of the members present in a General Body
Meeting expressly called for the purpose or at the Annual General Body meeting of the
Central lAP.
b) The notice of the meeting shall contain the particulars of the charges against the member
and shall be accompanied by written explanation, if any, submitted by the member.
The election of the office bearers and the members of the Executive committee of the
lAP Branch shall be held by secret ballot as per the guidelines supplied by the Executive
committee members from time to time, which shall be in line with those ofthe lAP.
b) Any member who has any complaint about the election shall give the same in writing
addressed to the Secretary within 21 days ofthe declaration ofthe result.
c) An election tribunal consisting of the President and two of the past presidents shall be
constituted to go into the complaint and the decision of the tribunal shall be final. In case
a member of the tribunal is involved himself in any way in such dispute, he shall not be a
member ofthat tribunal.
d) Any dispute shall be subject to jurisdiction where lAP Branch is registered.
The lAP Branch shall have the following OHice Bearers:-
President - One
Secrci:ary - One
Treasurer- One y pN
Members- Five o~ o"i).t.
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The term of the President is for one year, jfreasurer, and the Secretary shall be for two years, In case of resignation, the concerned office bearer or Executive Committee member shall continue
in office till a successor is elected or selected or appointed as the case may be. Reelection
subject to ratification with the approval of Executive Board of Central lAP.
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Chartered Accountants
7 April 2005
Draft for Discussion
b) The President shall not seek election to the Executive Committee or as Office Bearer of
the lAP Branch after finishing ~ear~ as President. Reelection subject to ratification
by the approval of Executive Board Central lAP.
c) The Ordinary / Life member contesting for the post of President should have been a
member of the lAP Branch for three complete years as on or before 1st January to be
eligible to contest for the ensuing election and should have served on the Executive
committee or as Office Bearer or both for a period of one complete year before contesting
for the post of President.
d) The Ordinary / Life member contesting for the post of Executive Committee member
shouldhave been a memberof the lAP Branch for onecomplete year as on or before 1st
January to be eligible to contest for the ensuing election. The term of the elected
members to the Executive Committee shall be of a period of two year. Such members, if
elected for four successive years shall not contest election for a period of next two years
for the post of the Executive Committee.
e) A member contesting for the post of Secretary should have been a member of the lAP
Branchfor two completeyearsas on or before 1st Januaryto be eligibleto contestfor the
ensuing election and should have served on the Executive Committee for one complete
year before contesting for the post of Secretary.
f) A member contesting for the post of Treasurer should have been a member of the lAP
Branchfor two completeyearsas on or before 1st Januaryto be eligibleto contestfor the
ensuing election and should have served on the Executive Committee for one complete
year before contesting for the post of Treasurer ofthe lAP Branch.
g) All terms of office and Executive committee shall be from January 1 to December 31.
The management of the affairs of the lAP Branch shall be vested in the Executive
committee which shall consist of elected Executive Members and the elected Office
Bearers from amongst the Ordinary / Life members as the case may be.
b) All the office bearers shall be also members of the Executive committee.
c) The President the Secretary, the Treasurer and the five Members shall be elected by all
the Ordinary / Life members of the lAP Branch from amongst themselves.
d) The Executive Committee members shall be as follows:
i) If any vacancy, except that of Office Bearer occurs during the year other than by
efflux of time, such vacancy shall be filled up by co-option by the Executive
Committee of the lAP Branch. The term of the office of such co-opted member
shall be for the period for which the original member would have continued in
office had the vacancy not occurred. However, this residual term will not be
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Chartered Accountants
8 April 2005
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
counted as a term for purpose of re-election or eligibility for any election in
ii) In case of vacancies of Office Bearer, the same shall be filled up by election
which shall be held within a period of three months from the date of occurrence of
the vacancy, provided in case of the vacancy is the office of Secretary, the
Treasurer shall assume charge of the office of the Secretary and new Treasurer
will be elected.
iii) The term of such elected / selected office bearer shall expire on the date when the
term of the original office bearer would have expired but for the vacancy.
However, this residual term will not be counted as a term for the purpose of reelection
or eligibility for any election in future.


The Executive Committeeshall, subject to these rules exerciseall such powers and do all
suchactsandthings asmay beexercisedor donebythelAPBranch.
The Executive committee may appoint Convenors of Committee from amongst the
members of the lAP Branch and delegate to them such powersand duties as it maythink
The Executive committee may frame regulation not inconsistent with these rules for
regulating the procedure of the meeting of the Executive Committee or its committee,
election of the members of the committee and the conduct of the affairs of the lAP
The Executive committee shall meet at such time and place as may be nect;~~:<:.i'>~~,;~~:~~.
transaction of the business of the lAP Branch as directed by the President, and ordinarily
it shall meet not less than once in a year.
b) Meeting of the~Executivecommittee shall be convened by the Secretary in consultation'
with the President.
c) Ordinarily thirty days' notice shall be given of all meetings to the members of the
Executive committee, except in case of emergency when a meeting may be called at
. sevenday's noticeat theexpressdirectionof the President.
A special requisition meeting of the Executive committeemay be requisitioned by not
less than three members of the committee asking for it in writing to the Secretary who
shall call a specialmeeting to considerthe requisition, within three weeksof the receipt
of such requisition by the Secretary. The power to decidedateand placeof suchmeeting
willbewith the Presidentand the Secretary.
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rh~rtp.p,j A,.,..n"nt~nto
9 April 2005
Draft for Discussion
The quorum for a meeting of the Executive committee shall be three members. If there
be no quorum within 15 minutes of the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be
adjourned to a later time on the same day and place. No quorum will be needed for the
adjourned meeting. If there be no quorum for a requisitioned meeting, the meeting shall
be dissolved.
The President shall preside at the meeting of the Executive committee, but in his absence
the Executive members present shall elect one from amongst them to preside over the
b) Every question / problem / dispute submitted to a meeting of the Executive committee
shall be ordinarily decided according to the majority of votes casted by the members
present and voting at succeeding meeting. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman
shall have a second or casting vote in addition to his vote as a member. Such decision
will be final and binding on all the members of the lAP Branch and the concerned parties.
In the event that the Secretary considers a decision is required urgently, he may circulate
a proposal to all Executive Committee members and if he receives signed approval for
this proposal from a majority of members responding within stipulate time limit given,
this shall constitute a resolution as effective as one passed at a meeting duly convened
and held.
The Executive committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its body provided that
if the number of members falls below the necessary quorum, it shall not act except for cooption.
The Executive committee shall have the power to terminate the appointment of its
member(s) and or any committee(s) or the Secretary appointed by it, if in the opinion of
its three fourths majority of the members present, for continuation of such appointment is
not in the interest of the lAP Branch.


All the property movable or immovable, belonging to the lAP Branch shall be vested in
the Executivecommittee. .
All money received by or on behalf of the lAP Branch shall be deposited forthwith in a
schedule bank or scheduled banks selected by the Executive committee and shall not be
withdrawn from bank or banks except under the authority of and in the manner prescribed
by the Executive committee.
Any money not immediately required for the purpose oflAP Branch may be invested by
the Executive committee in such manner as it may deem fit and according to the
regulations of Public Trust Act. Any other forms of investments not covered above, may
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Chartered Accountants
10 April 2005
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
be permissible with specific approvalfrom the Ministry of Scienceand Technology
Without prejudice to the generalityof the foregoingpowers the Executive committee
shall have powers:
a) To acquire by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, with or without conditions, any
property movable or immovable and whether subject to any special trust or not, for
anyone or more of the objects ofthe lAP Branch.
b) To borrow or raise money in such manner or oil such terms as the lAP Branch may
think fit and accordingto the regulationsof Public Trust.
c) To invest money of the lAP Branch not immediately required for any of its objects in
such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Executive committee and
according to the regulations of Public Trusts.
d) To act as trustees and to undertake or execute any trust or agency which may directly
or indirectly be conduciveto any of the objects of the lAP Branch. .
36. In all important matters pertaining to the working ofthe lAP Branch and the organization
of conferences, seminars etc. the Secretary shaH consult the President before taking a
decision except in case of emergency.
37. The Secretary shall keep the President informed about all important matters relating to
the lAP Branch and shall send a copy relating to important lAP Branch correspondence
to the President for his perusal and comments.
The President can write to Government and National/International bodies and
individuals on important issues and send messages, copies of which must be forwarded to
the lAP Branch and Central lAP Offices.
Subject to the control and regulations, if any, of the Executive committee, the Secretary,
shall be responsible for carrying out the directions and decisions of the Executive
committeeand in particular he shall:
a) Convene meetings of the lAP Branch and the Executive committee whenever
necessary or called upon to do so,
b) Have administrativecontrol over all the affairs of the lAP Branch,
c) Have charge of correspondencein relation to the lAP Branch,
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
d) Keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of lAP Branch, Executive Committee, and
committee thereof.
e) Prepare Annual Report of the lAP Branch,
f) Have charge of the furniture, library,and all documentsand assets of the lAP Branch.
g) Collect all dues of the lAP Branch and deposit all amounts of the lAP Branch,
h) Pass all bills for paymenton behalf of the lAP Branch,
i) Have powers to incur expenses for any of the purposes of the lAP Branch upto a limit
ofRs. 5000/- at a time, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee.
j) Be an ex-officio memberof all committees.
k) Perform all such other duties as are incidentalto the office.
The powers and functions of the Treasurer:
The Treasurer:
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Shall be responsible for keeping. up-to-date accounts of the lAP Branch with all the
account books posted up-to-date.
b) Shall dispose off the bi"llsfor payment as sanctioned by the Secretary and only on his
written instruction.
c) Shall have the right to point out any error or discrepancy in the order of payment of the
Secretary and refer the order back to him with his remarks. In the event of disagreement
still persisting between the Secretary and the Treasurer, the matter shall be referred to the
President for final decision.
d) Shall, in consultation with the Secretary, prepare a budget of the estimated receipts and
expenditure of the lAP Branch for each year and present the same for approval of the
Executive committee. .. .
e) Shall get the accounts of the lAP Branch audited by the auditors.
f) Shall prepare an annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet showing the financial
position of the lAP Branch, get is audited by the auditors appointed at the Annual
General Meeting of the lAP Branch and submit it for adoption by the Executive
committee and shall be jointly responsible with the Secretary for all financial affairs of
the lAP Branch.
12 April 2005
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
g) In case of vacancy of post Secretaryother than by efflux of time, he will take over as the
No expenditure shall be incurred unless the same has been included in the annual or
supplementary budget and approved by the Executive committee except by Secretary as
defined in rule (39) (i) and except in cases of emergency when it will be allowed after
approval by the President of lAP Branch. .
43. An Annual General Meetingof the lAP Branch shall be held not later than December31st
. of everyyear.
At the Annual General'Meeting, the following business shall be transacted:
a) Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Body Meeting.
b) Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report of the lAP Branch.
c) Consideration and adoption of the audited Statement of Accounts.
d) Appointment of auditors and fixing their remuneration.
e) Appointment of honorary legal advisor.
f) Any other business notice of which has been circulated with the agenda.
g) Any other business of which 30 days notice has been given to the Secretaryin writing.
h) Any other business with permission of the Chair.
No business shall be transacted at any Annual General Meeting unless a quorum is
present at the commencement of the meeting.
b) 10% or 10 Ordinary and / or Life members, whichever is higher, present shall form a
quorum for the Annual General Meeting. If within half an hour of the time fixed for the
meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a later time on the
same day at the same place. A quorum shall not be needed for an adjourned meeting.
46. The President may when he thinks fit, or on a resolution of the Executive committee or
on receipt of a requisition of not less than 10% or 25 Ordinary and / or Life members,
which ever is lower, stating the object of the meeting addressed to the Secretary, call a
requisition special General Body meeting of the members of the lAP Branch. Three
weeks notice shall be given to the members of such meeting and notice should
lAP - Branch
Draft for Discussion
specifically mention the objects for which the meetinghas been requisitioned. In the case
of requisition, the meeting shall be held within 45 days of receipt of the requisition. Only
the points raised in the requisition shall be discussed at such meetings. The power to
decide the date and venue shall be with the Presidentand the Secretary.
At all General Meetings, 10 % or 10 Ordinary and / or Life members, whichever is
higher, shall form a quorum. If there be no quorum within half an hour of time fixed for
the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to a later time on the same day and same
place. No quorum is needed for the adjourned meeting.
At all requisitioned meetings, 10% or 25 Ordinary and / or Life members, whichever is
lower, shall form a quorum. If there be no quorum within half an hour of time fixed for
the meeting,the meetingshall be dissolved.
A question may be submitted to a meeting of the members present and voting may occur.
In case of a. tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his
own. .
a) Subject to any law for the time being in force and subject to the powers vested in
the Executive committee, the Executive committee shall give effect to the
resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting, General Meeting or
requisitioned meeting.
b) All statutory notice required to be sent to the members under these rules shall be
sent by post under certificate of posting to the last known addresses recorded in
the register of members. A notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been
served at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the
ordinary course of post.
c) All notices, communications, memoranda and other papers shall be signed or
authenticated by the Secretary and when so signed or authorized shall be
The Executive committee shall provide common seal for the purpose of the lAP
Branch and shall provide for the safe custody of the seal and it shall not be used
except by the authority of the Executive committee and in the presence of the
President and the Executive committee.
ei)." Every deed or other document to which the seal of the lAP Branch is required to
be affixed shall be by the Secretary in the presence of the President and in token
of its having been so affixed, shall be signed by the President and by the
ii) Every deed or other document so sealed with the commonseal of the lAP Branch
and signed by the President and by the Secretary shall be deemed to be duly
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Draft for Discussion
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Each lAP Branch shall submit an Annual Report of its activities together with an
Statementof Accounts to the Central lAP by 315t Octobereveryyear
The lAP Branch shall display logo and the registration number of lAP Branch and the
logo of Central lAP on the letterhead/ publications of the lAP Branch.
a) The lAP Branch must ensure that the members of the Society represent on state /
district level, governmental/semi-governmental / non-governmental agencies /
organizations / voluntary health agencies and on such other forums and make
known lAP Branch / Central lAP's policies and views on ,child health and family
b) The lAP Branch must organize frequent clinical meetings, conferences,
workshops, seminars, symposia, CME programs, refresher courses, lecture series,
exhibitions, pediatric quiz program, update, community survey program, parent -
teachers - medical professionals program and other programs on various aspects
of child health, socio - economic conditions or any such program which are
relevant under particular situation in the ordinary course. However, the Executive
Board of Central lAP may regulate program ifit deems necessary.
c) The lAP Branch shall explore possibilities to publish and may publish health
educational materials, books and periodicals.
d) The lAP Branch shall be required to complete a list of sub-centres, PHCs,
upgraded PHCs, District Hospitals, private & public health centers and major
private hospitals and nursing homes and update the same as and when necessary.
e) The lAP Branch shall guide and advise those listed in Rule No. 55 on recent
advances in medical care and equipments.
f) The lAP Branch shall take up issues relating to inadequate staff, improper
medical care, non - availability of essential drugs, irrational use of sub-standard
and useless drugs with the appropriate authority.
g) The lAP Branch shall be required to maintain records of all their activities in a
form suggested by the Central lAP and furnish the same to the Central lAP along
with Annual Report, and as and when called for.
h) There will be meeting between office bearers of Central lAP with Chairmetl and
Secretaries of various lAP Branches at the Annual Convention.
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Draft for Discussion
The lAP Branch shall be required to submit to Central lAP proposed activities to be taken
up by them for the succeeding year. Any subsequent change / addition in the program
should be intimated to the Central lAP by 15th of every month.
a) The lAP Branch may raise funds by way of subscription, advertisements,
registration fee for program and by any such means permissible under ethical
code, decision of the Executive Committee and the law of country, for their
activities. ".
b) I The lAP Branch will be required to submit an audited Statement of Accounts to
the Central lAP within 7 months from the date of closing of their financial year.
c) The lAP Branch will be required to club their accounts of all programs held
during the financial year.
The lAP Branch may sue or be sue in the name of the Secretary.
For matters not provided for in these rules and regulations, the lAP Branch shall be free
to govern itself in such manner as it thinks fit and for that purpose to make rules and
regulations from time to time not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the
Central lAP and such rules and regulations shall be subject to ratification by the
Executive Board of the Central lAP. In case of dispute and in absence of any provision in
the rules and regulations of the lAP Branch for good governance, the rules regulations of
the Central lAP and / or the decision of the Executive Board of the Central lAP shall be
final and binding the lAP Branch and their members in such matters.
The rules shall not be altered, amended or added to except by a resolution duly notified
and passed ata Special General Body meeting of the lAP Branch (at which no other
businessshall be discussed)by a three fourths majorityof the members present and
ratified one month later by another Special General Body Meeting / Annual General

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